Baptism (by The Kumi Family)

Presby-Methodist Church Stovnerfaret 25, Oslo, Norway

The Kumi family invite you to join them to share their joy at the baptism of their Daughter



Outdoor Family and Cultural Festival

Furuset Football Park Furusetveien 23, Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Where Family and friends comes together to have fun .stk-ul89gc1{margin-bottom:44px !important}.stk-ul89gc1 .stk-img-wrapper{width:100% !important;height:306px !important;filter:drop-shadow(none) !important}

Birthday Celebration Pastor Jemima

Ravnåsveien 3 Homlia Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Godt med parkering. Kort vei til buss og tog. 12 minutter fra Oslo S. Inne i lokalene bestemmer hva slags oppsett du trenger. Et møtelokale som her, et stivpyntet bryllup, eller…?

Jessica’s Confirmation Party

Presby-Methodist Stovnerfaret 25, Storvner Oslo, Norway

(by Nana Ama & Kai) Party (Refreshment)


Stovner Presby-Methodist Stovnerfaret 25, Oslo, Oslo, Norway

.stk-kiy8xxl{margin-bottom:19px !important}.stk-kiy8xxl .stk-block-heading__text{font-size:48px !important;color:var(--stk-global-color-55834,#48a5fe) !important;font-weight:300 !important;font-family:"IBM Plex Sans",Sans-serif !important}@media screen and (max-width:1023px){.stk-kiy8xxl .stk-block-heading__text{font-size:48px !important}}CHRISTMAS PARTY

Birthday Party

Further information will be announce later .stk-5yr84ax .stk-block-heading__text{font-size:48px !important;color:#a01818 !important;font-weight:300 !important;font-family:"IBM Plex Sans",Sans-serif !important}@media screen and (max-width:1023px){.stk-5yr84ax .stk-block-heading__text{font-size:48px !important}}Strictly by Invitation

18th Birthday Party

Nana's 18th Birthday. Details will be available soon

Lean on Me (Ladies Club)

.stk-oydgat5 .stk-block-heading__text{font-size:48px !important;color:var(--stk-global-color-55834,#48a5fe) !important;font-weight:300 !important;font-family:"IBM Plex Sans",Sans-serif !important}@media screen and (max-width:1023px){.stk-oydgat5 .stk-block-heading__text{font-size:48px !important}}Launching Launching Lean on Me Ladies Club

Funeral Service

Skui Grendhus

Funeral service for the late mother of our dear sister Beatrice Ankrah